Margit Dittrich, the owner and founder of Personalmanufaktur, a management and recruitment consultancy, tells us about her favorite holiday destination: Cassis on the Côte d'Azur.

    Drei Fragen an Margit Dittrich auf the wearness Online Shop Reisetipps Cote D'Azur

    Margit's favorite spots on the Côte d'Azur - view on the pool of her little hotel "Le Cap Cassis"


    1. Why did Cassis become your favorite holiday destination?

    Cassis has been committed to sustainable development for years. Despite all the temptations, the small port has not been developed for luxury yachts and no international hotel chains are permitted. In this way, Cassis on the Côte d'Azur - embedded between vineyards, the Cap Canaille, the Calanques, and the sea - has retained its special charm. It has remained a small, friendly place that is active, lively, and wonderful all year round. I fell in love with Cassis years ago.

    2. Tell us your favorite place in Cassis

    The sunset from the Cap Canaille is a real dream. A narrow, winding road, the "Route des Crêtes" leads from Cassis to La Ciotat. From this freestanding cliff, which drops 400 meters vertically into the sea, you can see Marseille on one side. On the other side you can see Corsica on the horizon when the weather is clear. I get a wonderful feeling for the whole vastness of the sea up there and on a starry night that of the universe. At the same time, it is a real power place that is perfect for a romantic sundowner picnic.

    Margit Dittrich, the owner and founder of Personalmanufakturtells us about her favorite holiday destination: Cassis on the Côte d'Azur.

    The view from the Cap Canaille is spectacular

    3. This spring your little hotel "Le Cap Cassis" opened its doors. What is so special about this extraordinary retreat?

    Since I have been travelling a lot professionally for years, I know what it takes to feel at home as a guest. I completely renovated and furnished Le Cap Cassis on the Côte d'Azur with great attention to detail. I wanted to create a private place of peace and well-being. Every guest should feel this everywhere: in the high-quality, metal-free CocoMat beds, the natural lime wall colors, the cosmetic products, or wonderful regional ingredients for a health-conscious breakfast. My guests can switch off on tours to the numerous nature reserves in the area, whether with our e-mountain bikes or the stand-up paddleboards. The Le Cap wants to stimulate the senses of the guests and at the same time be a place for inspiration, deceleration, and leisure. Due to many requests there will be retreats for yoga, nutrition, health, and knowledge topics starting next autumn/winter. More Informations: www.lecapcassis.com

    kleines Hotel Le Cap Cassis Côte d'Azur  kleines Hotel Le Cap Cassis Côte d'Azur  kleines Hotel Le Cap Cassis Côte d'Azur

    kleines Hotel Le Cap Cassis Côte d'Azur

    The little hotel "Le Cap Cassis" just opened its doors

    Which three items of the wearness would you take with you?

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    1. Hand-crochet Bikini "Cherry" by Knitted Love, 190€. 2. Sunglasses "The Sigrid" by VIU x House of Dagmar Sunglasses, 175€.  3. Quilted skirt by Buki Akomolafe, 1.286€.


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